Tiny House Siding Considerations

Tiny houses have a special set of considerations when it comes to siding and roofing.  In some cases, a tiny house is just a small home built on location.  In these cases, siding issues are no different than they would be for any other home.

When the tiny house is mobile, this presents some additional considerations.  Think of how a traditional house performs in wind conditions approaching 70 MPH.  That is a pretty big wind.  Wind gusts of that speed will destroy roofs and siding.  Now think of what happens to your tiny house when traveling down the road at 70 MPH.  You are generating the same kinds of force on the home that you would see in a significant wind event.  Novice builders often miss these considerations.

How will the siding on a structure like this hold up while traveling down the interstate.  This appears to be a well built tiny house, but is it built to travel.

You should either hire an experienced contractor, or be sure to think of tornado alley building code when siding and roofing a tiny house.  Let us know if we can help.

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